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Great Site for Asia

Tips and rankings from backpackers. Stuff you
won't find in the guidebooks.

The Old Standards

Lonely Planet
Check out the Thorntree section for up-to-date tips.

Rough Guides

The CIA's World Factbook

Online Travelogues
Many people post their adventures online (see
the complete list). Here are some of the best:

The Path Less Traveled

Wired 2 The World

Russ Gilbert

World Wander

Commercial Sites

Get a villa and stay there for a while!

Wallach and Company
Travel Insurance

Packing and Planning

RTW Travel Guide
Indexed info on lots of nuts and bolts.

The Art of Travel


Currency Converter

Oanda Currency Site

World Time

Yahoo! Mail
Far less junkmail than you get with Hotmail.


Centers for Disease Control

Foreign Embassies in the US

US Dept. of State Travel Warnings

Travel Health Online
Great country- and disease- specific information.

Copyright © 2001 Geoffrey Nelson Send mail to: Geoff | Sarah